
Monday 19 June 2017

20 - X

Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who all participate is this wonderful photo-meme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week.

I’m always curious to what you come up with!

 The challenging letter of this week is and I've chosen for the word: X-tension

 Today in 3 weeks... this photo-meme, some 10 years ago started by (Denise) Mrs. Nesbitt will come to an end in the way we have known it thus far. The url: will stay online for a while but the url on which you can leave the link to you participation will, starting july 12th, be:

So please note this so your entry will not get 'lost' and worse, missed by other participants.

 In X-tra I want to  say THANK YOU to not only Mrs.Nesbitt ofcourse, but also to Roger and Leslie who have worked very hard since they took over from Mrs. Nesbitt after she announced to have less time for the challenge. Last but not least all the other bloggers who did their part in visiting participants and ofcourse all the bloggers from all over the world who in total kept this challenge running for already 10+ years.

Besides that I want to X-press my gratitude also to all of those participants who created all the logo's which have been used in these past 20 rounds. (Want to see them? Click Here!)

 With the start of the X-tended version of ABC-Wednesday on july 12th I also want to introduce to you the new team of participants who will assist me and together with me have the sincere wish to keep the ABC-ball rolling. Looking very much forward to see you in:, especially starting July 12th with your entry for round 21-A
 Have an X-traordinary ABC-Wednesday-day / - week ~
♫ M e l o d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)
 (preview Round 21)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. X-citing times ahead, Melody, looking forward to the new look ABC! But also X-tending many thanks to Mrs Nesbitt, Roger, Leslie and all the other people who have made this meme such a su-X-ess!
    My "X" stand for XOLMIS.

    1. Indeed Nick.
      Me to and to may welcome you and view your entries!

  3. X-cellent entry, Melody!
    "X" stands for XYLOKASTRO, Greece

  4. Thank you all! Greetings from Poland.

    1. Your welcome Klara, Greetings from The Netherlands

  5. You are welcome Nora...

    Its not that hard a job because it is so much fun, like you experience yourself ;-)
